How to make cough syrup with onion and sugar?

Making a homemade cough syrup using onion and sugar is a traditional remedy that can help soothe cough and throat irritation. For more info click Here's a simple recipe you can try:

Onion and Sugar Cough Syrup Recipe


  • 1 medium-sized onion
  • 1/2 cup granulated sugar
  • Water


  1. Prepare the Onion:

    • Peel the onion and slice it thinly or chop it into small pieces.
  2. Layering with Sugar:

    • In a clean, sterilized glass jar or bowl, place a layer of sliced/chopped onion.
    • Sprinkle a layer of sugar over the onion slices.
    • Continue layering onion and sugar until you've used all the onion and sugar.
  3. Let it Sit:

    • Cover the jar or bowl with a lid or plastic wrap.
    • Let the mixture sit at room temperature for at least 6-8 hours, or preferably overnight.
    • During this time, the sugar will draw out the juices from the onion, creating a syrupy mixture.
  4. Strain and Store:

    • After the mixture has sat for the desired time, strain the liquid syrup from the onion slices using a fine mesh sieve or cheesecloth.
    • Discard the onion pieces (or you can use them in cooking if desired).
    • Transfer the liquid syrup into a clean, airtight glass jar or bottle for storage.
  5. Usage:

    • Take 1-2 teaspoons of the onion and sugar syrup as needed to soothe cough and throat irritation.
    • You can take it directly or mix it into warm water or herbal tea.


  • Onion: Contains compounds that act as natural expectorants, helping to thin mucus and reduce coughing.
  • Sugar: Helps draw out the juices from the onion, creating a syrupy consistency that can coat the throat and provide soothing relief.

Important Notes:

  • This homemade syrup is generally safe for adults and older children. However, avoid giving honey or sugar-based syrups to infants under 1 year old due to the risk of botulism.
  • Store the syrup in the refrigerator between uses. It should last for several days to a week, but discard if it develops an off odor or appearance.

This homemade onion and sugar cough syrup is a natural remedy that can complement other treatments for cough relief. If you have persistent or severe symptoms, or if you have any concerns, consult with a healthcare professional for personalized advice and treatment.

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